Monday, 6 May 2019

Android Websites Blogs Vlogs

Blog: Very Good Tutorials

 Highly recommended

Android Developers

This is the official channel from the developer team behind Android. Besides short update videos about the latest changes on the Android platform and Android Studio, you will mainly find recordings of talks from events like the Android Dev Summit or Google I/O here. It’s a great source to stay up to date with the Android world, but you don’t have to watch all of their videos!


Mitch has several bigger tutorials on his channel where he teaches how to build real applications, like an Instagram clone or a Google maps app, mixed with some shorter bite-sized tutorials and podcast interviews with other developers. His videos are well edited, his sound quality is one of the best and every topic is researched thoroughly. From my personal contact with him, I know that he sincerely wants to help the community and provide as much free valuable content as possible.


Codetutor has a lot of videos about important Android fundamentals like activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers. When I study a topic, I sometimes end up on one of his videos and I can confirm that he knows what he is talking about. His content is detailed, the information he provides is correct and his videos are concise and well edited with lots of helpful animations and annotations. He also started making videos on iOS and web development but keeps releasing new Android tutorials regularly.


Goobar has a lot of short and concise tutorials about IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio features, tips, and tricks. He also recently started a beginner series on Kotlin and mixes in some general lifestyle/health advice videos directed towards programmers. He’s a very positive, very helpful guy that wants to contribute to the community, to which he holds close contact on other social media channels (like Twitter and Instagram) as well.

Reso Coder

Reso Coder focuses on Kotlin and Flutter, both of which I currently have little experience in, so I can’t really confirm the correctness of the information he teaches. I rely a bit on my gut feeling here but from what I’ve seen, his tutorials seem thoroughly researched and well structured. Most importantly, he doesn’t beat around the bush and just gets straight to the point. I think he doesn’t have any Java videos but if you’re interested in learning Kotlin, Flutter, Xamarin or Unity, go check out his channel. He also recently started adding some general life advice videos which I personally find useful and entertaining.


Team Smartheard creates a ton of high-quality content — mostly about Android, but also about other topics like node.js or programming language fundamentals (Java, Kotlin, Dart etc). Like the other channels on this list, the information they teach are well researched and presented in a concise and understandable way. The videos are structured logically and contain lots of useful graphics and illustrations. On other websites, you would have to pay money for this kind of quality.

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